I do think there's some distinction in the US between kindergarden and day
care (and it's too early to find the wikipedia articles to back this up, my
apologies...) so more generally speaking -- the distinction is that
kindergarden has government certified teachers and probably under stricter
regulation. In some states, including NY I believe - its actually
mandatory, where forms of day care are not.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think we should agree on an umbrella term for all institutions that care
> for and teach children before they go to "real" school. Is amenity=day_care
> already the term I'm talking about? And then on the wiki just write "If
> you're not sure, put amenity=day_care". That way we have covered all the
> different types of those institutions that we have never heard about.
> I think we need this because there are probably lots of gray areas of what
> caring is, and what teaching is. Some would say it's the same thing.
> Teaching children how to get along with each other isn't less important
> than teaching them 1+1. Also, you can teach children 1+1 through play and
> fun. If there is some clear distinction, I'm not aware of it.
> Janko
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