Yes I agree, though making the definition more precise by adding the
worker-can-enter criterion should be fine.

Further examples for the street_cabinet=* vlues can be collected
on the discussion page meanwhile.

Marc Gemis wrote on 2014-11-01 23:30:
I wouldn't touch the page until the voting is over. One can always add new 
values when the tag is in use and document them when needed. New building types 
are also added all the time. No need to document it right away.

just my .5 cents


On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 11:05 PM, François Lacombe  wrote:


    I've already edited Rational paragraph to give a better description with 
distinction between buildings where workers can enter.

    Secondly, ok for street_cabinet=waste (and maybe 
street_cabinet=waste_management if cabinets are encountered with devices to 
manage waste transit or storage)

    man_made=street_cabinet isn't incompatible with amenity=waste_* and 
street_cabinet=waste should concern anything regarding waste.

    I'm not so friendly with proposal editing while voting.
    Nevertheless, with such extensive keys like street_cabinet=* I think users 
won't mind if we document additional values.
    Is everybody ok with it ?

    *François Lacombe*

    francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

    2014-11-01 11:04 GMT+01:00 johnw :

        Well, they re not open to the public - only the designated houses in 
the area can use their station, not anyone else. You don’t use other people’s 
stations. There is one closer to my house, but I’m not allowed to use it, 
because the one pictred is
        “ours”. it is regualrly maintained, on rotation, by the users of it.

        These are not public garbage cans, they are a drop-off point between 
specific customers and the garbage pickup.

        They are not completely private, like a mail transfer box, but they are 
not public either.


         > On Oct 31, 2014, at 7:01 PM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
         > I would distinguish between an amenity=waste_* for structures
         > that are open for everybody to bring their waste, with or without 
         > thus as a POI somebody would navigate to (where can I bring my 
         > and the cabinet=waste merely describing the street inventory
         > (what is that odd locked box for).
         > johnw wrote on 2014-10-31 07:00:
         >> I was going to suggest "Waste Transfer station"
         >> But after reading the wiki for it, it was not at all what I 
         >> In America, at least in most suburban areas, waste is collected 
from individual residences via bins/cans on the street with(enormous) trucks, so 
there is no static transfer points whatsoever, it goes from curb to landfill directly.
         >> In Japan, There are static waste collection "Garbage stations" [ゴミ 
ステーション] per street or area, and are often large, steel, screened cages that are stuffed full of 
45 liter bags. There is no possible way fro a truck to service the myriad
        of little tiny buildings, some of them only on walking paths - even in 
cities of 100K people, so there is a garbage station for every 20-30 houses or 
so, or one for a large apartment or company. Temporary ones are merely nets to 
keep the crows off
        the bags, but most are permanent ones worth mapping.
         >> My local garbage station (2 cabinets)
         >> a full one nearby
         >> although some are old and look disused, they are used daily or 
weekly by the populace, and mapping them would be useful on a very local level (like 
the cabinets in general).
         >> Please add a line item for waste transfer, similar to the postal 
transfer - this is a missing step in the garbage collection, and a cabinet that have 
been overlooked.
         >> Also, I suggest also adding "sliding" for the door hinge option (as 
the second one has no hinges)
         >> Javbw
         >> On Oct 31, 2014, at 6:08 AM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
         >>> François Lacombe wrote on 2014-10-30 21:42:
         >>>> I would suggest street_cabinet=garbage for the equipment you've 
         >>> maybe =waste is more consistent with existing tags such as
         >>> amenity=waste disposal, amenity=waste basket or
         >>> generator:source=waste
         >>> Garbage is less used in tags so far.
         >>>> A cabinet is a feature where workers can't enter.
         >>>> A building is the opposite.
         >>>> Then, substations and other stuff can be divided between those 
two sorts.
         >>> That's a very plausible distinction and should be documented.
         >>> tom

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