* johnw <jo...@mac.com> [2014-11-28 13:11 +0900]:
> > On Nov 28, 2014, at 9:53 AM, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net> wrote:
> > the basic scheme doesn't require anything new or unusual in
> > route relation tagging, just care and consistency.
> I look forward to seeing his RFC page then ^_^

Well, the point is that you can render the shields using existing tagging
standards.  No RFC necessary.  :)

> That looks really good. Some graphic designers need to remake the
> shields for icon size (bigger lettering, details ignored), but the
> system of putting on the roads looks great.

As Richard noted, I kind of view my rendering as a proof of concept, and
as long as I was going for PoC, why not go for really high fidelity to the
roadside signs?  If I ever have a decent chunk of time to spend on this
again[0], I might look into simplified renderings for a lot of things.

> My question about multiple relations was about roads that would have
> more than one “symbol.” Maybe i didn’t see it,b ut all of thsoe roads
> seemed to have 1 shield apiece, but I’m wondering about roads that would
> need multiple shields next to each other.

That's handled.  In Paul Johnson's link:


the Muskogee Turnpike has both the turnpike symbol and the SH-351 symbol.

> For example, State Highway 163 through downtown San Diego is part of the
> California highway system (so it gets a green ovalish “163” symbol), and
> is part of the CA scenic road system - so it would also get the small
> yellow flower icon as well.

If it were tagged appropriately and if I had put in shields for the
California scenic road system, it would show up with both shields.  Here's
something similar in Maryland, where MD-128 carries part of Maryland's
Horses and Hounds scenic byway:


> As a next step, phil’s work looks great!

Thanks!  Toby Murray is also due some big thanks; he got this rendering
set up on a reasonable public-facing server.

[0] I haven't had a lot of time for OSM stuff in general lately, and I've
    got a backlog of stuff that ought to be done with the renderer (not
    least of which is a bunch of Ohio county route information that Minh
    Nguyen's sent me).

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