On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Kotya Karapetyan <kotya.li...@gmail.com>

> 2. Having said this, I would like to draw your attention to the fact
> that people who currently actively oppose the proposal have not
> participated in a 4-month discussion, where most of the current
> concerns were raised and analysed.

Your job as a proposer is not just to stuff something on the wiki and hope
nobody notices... you need
to *FIND* the community around the tags you are proposing.  You did not do

I happened to find you AND comment in a timely manner, so your statement
above is not correct.
The goal is not to 'analyze and ignore' but rather to reach 'consensus'.
You are laser focused on mapping a specific feature, but missing the bigger

http://wetap.org/ is an example organization you should have been able to
identify and contact.
That's based on OSM data, and you are pulling the rug out from under them.
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