On Sat, 2015-02-07 at 17:41 +0100, Kotya Karapetyan wrote:
> "Amenity" is very vague in general (), and a lot of things can be
> marked as such. So I'd prefer to use it only when it's an obvious
> choice or there is nothing better.

Well, while I agree that "Amenity" is pretty general, but
amenity=reception_desk is about as specific as you are likely to get.

Amenity is a "go to" when a mapper is looking for a tag, new ones such
as "Office" or "Booth" make the discovery process a little harder and
don't, IMHO, deliver any extra clarity. 


> What about using "office"?
> I was also surprised to discover that there was not key for "booth" in
> OSM. (And of course all currently available booths ended in "amenity"
> :) ) Shall we maybe introduce it?
> > As
> > this tag is always going to be used within another entity I think we should
> > rather look towards something like indoor tagging or other subtags. In
> > addition using amenity for reception desk would for example prevent you from
> > placing it on the node of the amenity and use one node for both.
> Not to defend the amenity key, but I wonder if there is a need to tag
> the reception if the whole object (including the reception) deserves
> just a single node.
> Cheers,
> Kotya
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