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> On Mar 3, 2015, at 7:45 AM, Warin <> wrote:
> 2) new key ... private=* ?
> thus change these from amenity=toilet to private=toilet ... also provides for 
> other 'private' things being entered  swimming pools ..


There are all kinds of buildings we map that are completely private (houses, 
for example), yet are visible from publicly accessible places. 

If OSM wants to be used in emergency uses or be flexible for odd data sets, 
mapping private toilets (or propane ovens, house-top solar panels, or places 
where x is useful. 


> In an emergency some of these 'private' things are usefull .. for instance 
> swimming pools are  a good water source for fighting fires. Easy to map form 
> satellite views too.

Oops - I need to untag/retag a couple pools. 

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