2015-03-12 4:14 GMT+01:00 Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com>:

> In certain countries (such as the one I am in) the thick black line has a
> single purpose - private train lines. The zebra striped lines -carto uses
> are for national lines only (JR lines in Japan), and the thick black lines
> are for private railways (such as most of the Tokyo subway system) that run
> across the country.

there are tags to describe the color of railway lines typically used in
maps, see here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:colour?uselang=en-US
It is not completely clear what a "private" railway is, many former federal
railways have been privatized in the last few decades, btw. also the JR has
been privatized in 1987 (meaning operating as a private company for the
law), but AFAIK is still 100% state owned.

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