Just a couple of observations.

The first is that there are not many such elements in urban areas for the
"problem" to become an obvious one. This will change if more mappers add
power lines and these examples become more obvious.

In the UK, in urban areas, it is more common to see telephone wires (and
poles) in residential streets than power lines, but again not many mappers
have mapped them. I also think that they are not being rendered currently
in the OSM style.



On 11 March 2015 at 22:20, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> wrote:

> Have a peek at: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/37.64529/-118.97450
> Where individual residential power lines are rendered in a cluttered way.
> What dividing line can the tagging offer here, to allow rendering to make
> better choices?
> Here the mapper made some attempt to call these residential lines, but not
> enough
> to dissuade osm-carto.
> ---
> Separately,what do people think of this "lite" power tagging scheme as a
> solution?
> *highway*={any}
> *utility_wires*={overhead,underground,none,unknown}
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