> We always recommend that all natural and cultural features are tagged as
> per OSM Wiki & only add Seamark tags where there is a non-coincident
> definition and the nautical definition is of special navigational
> importance.
> Locks & their gates do not fall into that category & so we do not
> recommend using Seamark tags for these objects. Where you may find them is
> probably where data has been imported from S57 ENC charts & the importer
> has not re-tagged (or double tagged) them.
> That's good to know, thanks! However, I don't see any such recommendation
on the gate page that was referenced above (
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap/Gates), or on other
OpenSeaMap tagging pages (ie
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap/Seamark_Objects). Is there
something I'm missing?
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