pmailkeey wrote:
> johnw wrote:
>> Forest=natural ?
>> isn’t that natural=wood?
> I don't know the difference between a wood and a forest!

landuse=forest and natural=wood are a poor example for historical
reasons, when some thought that natural=wood together with
landuse=forest was "redundant", when it's not: an area used for
forestry can be without tree cover (after a full chop it takes
anything from years to decades before the newly planted trees look and
function like a wood/forest, yet the usage of the land is still
growing wood for timber). That's why the keys of the tags are
different, so that one can tag both/all of them. We can live with the
tags as they are used and documented now, but they shouldn't be used
as a good example for future tagging. There are no man made trees in
the forest, they all grow naturally.

In osm a single way or node can be different "things" to different
consumers. If one is interested in the usage of the land, they look at
the landuse key, if they're interested in what natural features occupy
the area, they look at the natural key; sometimes there's an implied,
mostly undocumented relation between the two and sometimes the other
key is omitted.

There can not be a strict choice between "is this one or the other",
but mappers can describe only those aspects they see and care about.
Data consumers, interested in something which they care about, can
consider the probabilities of other related tags implying yet unstated
features: for example, many places of worship already entered in osm
coincide with the buildings they occupy, but people have only tagged
amenity=place_of_worship. Given a pile of stones or pieces of timber
stuck together, only human interpretation makes it a building, but we
also give those piles other meanings; pub, shop, address, ruins. Just
tag all and every meaning that make sense for that way or node.


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