On 29 May 2015 at 06:14, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 2:39 AM, pmailkeey . <pmailk...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> Addresses are used to identify buildings. Not all buildings need to be
>> identified.
> Did you ever look at the example that I've send you ? (probably not
> because it doesn't fit in your idea of addresses)

Probably !

>  The house numbers are used to identity flats, not the building.

Now you're confusing 'house numbers' with flat numbers !

> 8 different house numbers, 4 on the ground floor, 4 on the first. I don't
> remember where the mailboxes are located, they are probably grouped
> somewhere on the ground floor so the mailman does not have to take the
> stairs. But someone delivering a package to the front door might want to
> know that they have to take the stair and then follow the corridor to the
> Xth door.

Use the query feature here
an explanation.

> As many people have pointed out, addresses are used for many different
> things (mailboxes, entrances, buildings, rooms within building (e.g.
> Suite), parcels). But you keep on insisting on your view: address ==>
> building.
> But then at a certain moment you said that an address could go on a node
> and on a building. And when someone asks you to explain that, you start
> throwing back questions without explaining what you meant.
> So please sit back, relax and accept that not everyone shares your view.
> Addresses will be mapped as nodes, on buildings and as interpolation lines.
> This is OSM, this is accepted and the data consumers can (or have to) live
> with that.

Also consider this
scenario where the part-building has the address and the entrances have
further detail.

> have a nice Friday

So far so good. Off to chemist for 2 lots of pain killers and hospital for
getting my back xrayed. I may ask someone if they'd like a hand to build
submarines - wondering about cracking a joke re all their latest boats have
sunk !

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*currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family, property
& pets*

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