W dniu 01.06.2015 0:52, Warin napisał(a):

I'd keep amenity=fountain and render just a name (zoomlevel area
size dependent ) with no icon, and would use

I think we should render areas with just a name, but points with both a name (if available) and the icon. Here's my draft on tagging and rendering it:


I guess it's time to try to make a rendering test. All the comments are welcome.

man_made=nozzle or maybe
for the single nozzle (not rendered in default style or rendered
just with a small dot)

Would be good to choose what type nozzle could be. As we like to use it for rendering in the fountains, the water nozzle can be different (blue) from possible nozzle types - do we know any other type suitable for micromapping?

"The train is always on time / The trick is to be ready to put your bags down" [A. Cohen]

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