On 25/08/2015 10:21 PM, serpens-...@gmx.de wrote:

Example (Spanish consulate in France – MY PROPOSAL):

   amenity=diplomatic         <--- it’s a diplomatic institution
   diplomatic:type=consulate  <--- more specififc: it’s a consulate
   diplomatic:sending=ES      <--- machine-readable ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country 
   diplomatic:destination=FR  <---                  -- " --

   name=Spanish consulate

Are you only considering visas here? It is not clear.

To me the sending and destination tags are confusing.

If for visas then the visa is;

issued for a certain county (usually the same country that the mission acts 

issued to national of the country the mission resides in and possibly other 
people too.

so I'd tag as an example

diplomatic:visa:from=FR;GB;AU    there may be a case for "all" or "any" where 
anyone can apply.

Diplomatic missions do other things other than issue visas. Import/export 
things, Aid.....
So I'd not tag diplomatic as only being one thing.

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