On 02/10/2015 08:35, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Am 02.10.2015 um 07:14 schrieb Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>>:

At the moment the 'intermittent' wiki says;
In Description:/Indicates that waterway or water body is intermittent 
(seasonal) /
In Key:intermittent:/Or that a water body (lake) disappears seasonally./
The use of seasonal here limits it to things that have a yearly cycle.

I would rather remove the 'seasonal' references .. something like
In Description:/Indicates that waterway or water body is intermittent./ One could add the word/irregular/ or/random/ in brackets if helpfull?

In Key:intermittent:/The tag //*intermittent*=yes//is used to indicate that a waterway (river, stream, etc.) or a water body (lake) has random dry and wet periods./
Any 'season' things should be addressed by the key:seasonal.

+1, likely this will require to check the 927000 objects that currently are tagged as intermittent?

The OED definition of 'intemittent' is 'that intermits or ceases for a time; coming at intervals; operating by fits and starts'. To intermit is 'to cease or stop for a time'.


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