On 24/11/2015 16:47, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Gerd Petermann wrote
Andy Townsend wrote
On 20/11/2015 18:49, Gerd Petermann wrote:
What am I getting wrong here? Did someone remove the
preferred way of tagging from the wiki and nobody noticed
it for years?

It doesn't surprise me that something documented with certainty in the
wiki simply doesn't describe what mappers actually do.  For example, I
I think in the case of traffic_calming
the current wiki describes exactly what most
mappers do, that's why I asked the question you cited.
I think the only missing point is the explicit hint that
highway=traffic_calming should NOT be used and
removed when found similar to the hint for ford

Nobody oposed so I'll change the wiki as suggested


I believe that the "highway=ford" text is "wrong" in that it does not explain why "highway=ford" on a node should not be used. It also doesn't explain the good reasons why "highway=ford" shouldn't be used on a way (because it removes the chance for an informative highway type to be used).

The wiki gets it wrong when it "tells people how to map". It gets it right when it "describes how people map" and (even better) explains why.


Andy (SomeoneElse)

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