On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 11:24 PM, Stefan de Konink <ste...@konink.de> wrote:
> Personally I find highway=service, surface=grass, area=yes appropriate for
> the camping site but not when it rendered as paved road.

Then you have to create/search for/ask for a renderer that displays
the data in the way you like.
Isn't it a personal opinion whether such a way has to be displayed in
green ? Isn't it because you focus on the grass part ? Maybe the
makers of the carto css style focus on the "service part".

Highway=path (without area-tag) doesn't change colour when the surface
is grass, mud, stones. Isn't that the same ?



p.s. cross-posted in the forum
http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=55457 with some other
people responding (for those interested in other opinions)

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