On 07.11.2016 13:03, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
On Mon, 2016-11-07 at 09:57 -0200, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
Situation: there is a city where all the streets are named (using the
"name" tag).
Some of the names are official (recognized by the city hall, by law,
etc) and some are not yet officially recognized.

Is there a way to differentiate official names from non-official?

Using only official_name in the recognized streets won't make sense.
Using name + official_name, both with the same exact value, won't also
make sense I guess.

Do anybody know a good way to say that some streets are officially
named, please?

For the streets named but not officially recognized, maybe something
like name=* + name:official=no perhaps? (where name:official defaults to
yes if not specified)

Please don't. First, this is kind of troll-tagging, first declaring something a name and in the next line denying it. Second, the "name:*" namespace is declared for real names (name:LL and name:left|right), not for additional attributes.

Thus it would be better to use a key describing what the particular name actually is. If it is a name locally or regionally used, then we have loc_name and reg_name.


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