[2016-11-29 11:10] Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
> 2016-11-29 7:02 GMT+01:00 markus schnalke <mei...@marmaro.de>:
>     This is just like the smoothness=* case. Instead of having values
>     like ``excellent'', ``bad'' or ``horrible'', we now learned that
>     it is better to tag for what cases some smoothness is okay. The
>     same here: You'll always need the explanations above if you use
>     the values ``house'', ``street'' and ``area'', but you can get
>     rid of them if you just use the explanations themselves:
>             - visibility=for_walkers
>             - visibility=for_slow_cars
>             - visibility=for_fast_cars
> I tend to disagree, the values you propose are more specific and not
> universally applicable (this is not about speed, but about scale, these new
> values would suggest to take into account other aspects like "visibility from
> within a car on the street", not applicable in many cases).

You are right. It should be about distance, not about position nor

Maybe that's the aspect that I don't like about the value ``street''
(although my suggested values were no better ;-) ): It indicates

If you talk about scale then a set of ``house_scale'',
``street_scale'', ``district_scale'' or so could become universal
scale specifiers to be used in other situations as well. (Here I
would tend to use ``house_scale'' instead of ``building_scale'',
because buildings can be really large -- as large as streets --
whereas houses are usually within a quite limited size range.)


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