2017-01-19 13:30 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>:

> But what with the additional parameters: How detailed did I specify
> the products (do I want a TV or model XYZ from brand ABC) ? I'm a
> willing to buy a different brand of something to save x kms of travel
> or euros. Do I need additional assistance to buy a piece of equipment
> ? Is the quality of the bread/meat/... higher in a certain store etc.
> etc. Do I want fruit from local producers or is import from the other
> side of the world ok ?
> Is all this information included in the detail you mention ? Does this
> information belong in OSM or some other database which can be linked
> in one way or another with OSM ? Or is all of this needless as we will
> all be buying all products via the internet within a couple of years ?
> At this moment I fail to see which application can use the additional
> data.

clearly you explain it: we won't map all kind of objects and their
availability for sale. This doesn't mean that there's no room for a
"sells:" tag though. Imagine ice cream. Will you buy it on the internet? Is
it something people out there walking are interested in? Absolutely yes
from my experience.

Which are the osm features that tell you in a reliable way if ice cream is
available? There are some (e.g. amenity=ice_cream), but if you rely only on
them you'll miss a lot of other places that might be equally important in
this situation.

There are a few other things that fulfill these criteria (people are
interested in this ad hoc and while on their way and there are many
different kind of places where it might be available, but not in all
places), but it's not an awful lot. E.g. stamps for postcards, top-ups for
mobile phones etc., public transport tickets, zigarettes, water, batteries,

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