2017-04-13 11:06 GMT+02:00 Mattias Dalkvist <osm-st...@dalkvist.se>:

> Basically it is class 19 + 21 so perhaps a new class is in order?

you could also consider using semicolon separated multivalues like "19;21"

It could be argued that this tagging scheme is generally not well defined,
because it doesn't deal appropriately with areas that are protected for
several reasons. It could be done differently with a scheme like for
accepted payment methods.

leisure=nature_reserve is a quite generic tag and suitable for any nature
protected area, boundary=protected_area can be added additionally with
subtags. If you can't find suitable subtags to distinguish the features you
want to map, you can invent new tags which fulfill your requirements.

For reference (there is also a longer list of "additional keys" that might
be worth to look at):

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