On 2017-04-27 00:48, Warin wrote:
> Hi,
> I have come up with some detail tagging for rest areas but want to get
> some oversight on it and help with one aspect. 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Drest_area
> Easy(?) Details
> Some of these have time limits - easy enough to use a conditional max
> stay tag
>  rest_area:condition:maxstay=20 
> Stops people 'camping' over a long period. 
> Restricted to HGV use only, use access tags 
>  access <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access>=no
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:access%3Dno> with hgv 
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:hgv>=yes
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:hgv%3Dyes>
> More difficult detail
> One I am having problems with, where they can be used for 'camping' with a 
> caravan/camper-van (but probably not a tent).
> rest_area:camping=caravan  
> or
> rest_area:camping:caravan=yes  
> would convey the meaning .. but is it a 'good' tag that would allow for other 
> things and follow other tagging methods? 
> caravan=yes could simply mean access and not convey the camping
> aspect? Note the max stay would still apply (if there).
> Any thoughts on tagging these features for rest areas?

Your questions show that there is no OSM formal definition of the usage
of name space.
I once sketched one, a key of which is rules to make a canonical
representation of the tags.
It says that for the main tag (the one representing the object (vs
highway=rest_area canonically means highway:rest_area=yes
and that attribute tags append to that.
So, your examples become
which in its canonical form is
obviously, one rest_area is too much and it must be:
camping=caravan ==> highway:rest_area:camping:caravan=yes
camping:caravan=yes ==> highway:rest_area:camping:caravan=yes
same canonical representation but allowing other attributes of camping
than caravan.
camping=yes (attribute of rest_area) would mean that camping is allowed
caravan=yes (attribute of rest_area) would mean that the area can be
used by caravans
(but an access=* would be the normal way to do it)
camping=caravan=yes would mean that the caravans can be used for camping

I hope I made no mistake.

Well, it's risky writing this.
Someone may come down on me again to scold me and say : "we" do not do that.
Very logically not saying who is "we".
That's apparently not you.

BTW, a rest_area can be just some space beside a road.
It is not a parking but it can be used to momentarily stop out of the



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