On 29 April 2017 at 22:03, Andrew Hain <andrewhain...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> What about the Wikidata links that some pages have in their infoboxes? Is
> there the same objection there?

No. The arguments made by Martin against linking to Wikipedia (which
are themselves weak) do not stand up at all for Wikidata:

> Wikipedia articles have a different scope, and quite often there
> are several articles in WP for what in OSM is tagged with the
> same tag,

Wikidata can have 'parent' items, at the equivalent level to the OSM
tag. If no such item exists, one can be created.

> and sometimes we have multiple tags in OSM each covering a
> specific aspect or subtype of what is covered by a single WP
> article.

Wikidata is much more granular; and can have an item for everything
which has an OSM tag, Again, if one dies not exist, create it!

> One recent example is the linking of the WP article castle from
> the osm tag castle, where our tag covers much more than just
> medieval fortified residences in Europe and the middle east
> (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q23413e.g. what in WP is described under 
> chateau, or the Japanese
> Shiros and Russian Kremlins)

This is apparently a case where OSM (or, at ealst, the OSM wiki) is in error.

Andy Mabbett

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