On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 9:06 PM, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl> wrote:
> W dniu 30.08.2017 o 20:45, Marc Gemis pisze:
>> My feeling is that my wallet will know the difference between shop clothes
>> and boutique.
> So maybe it's just "luxury" or "hand made" clothes (or both)?

No only that, a boutique usually sells more than just clothes
(jewellery, handbags, ...) and I assume you get a more personal
service as well than in the shop=clothes of large chains.
I don't understand the reason for having fashion, but even I know when
to use boutique (I think).

And for me a shoe store is not a clothes stores. That does not mean
that there might be clothes stores that sell some shoes or shoe stores
that have a limited about of clothing. Is a shoe store a
store=clothes; clothes=no; shoes=only stop ? Isn't that far fetched ?
I really do not understand why we try to have so much structure in our
tagging. Shoe store and boutique are normal English words. Please
allow us to use them instead of some handful of tags that try to turn
a clothes shop into a shoe store.

Yes, we can come up with (imho crazy) schema's such as Education 2.0,
but we need to keep it simple and let mappers use English words they
are familiar with.

If you want more structure, start defining a meta language in which
you can categorize all shops the way you want, but please do not
enforce a view with a lot of subtags onto the rest of the mappers.
I remember SK53 writing a blog post on how he groups stores for the
purpose he had at that time.

Unless you change your proposal to just changing shop=fashion (and I
still haven't seen really good arguments for that change -- and no, a
few male mappers that do not understand the current wiki definition is
not a good reason) my vote will be against your proposal.



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