On 05-Oct-17 01:58 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
Thanks everyone for your thoughts re arboretums

Why I brought this up - had a look at the historic=monument tag yesterday morning, which lead me to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/CheckTheMonuments & http://www.historic.place/themes/monuments/map.html.

That showed 4 monuments in my general area, 2 of which should apparently be memorials, 1 I'm not sure about & this one: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/-28.00759/153.38376.

The "Regional Arboretum" is shown as a monument &, by the conversations here, almost certainly shouldn't be (maybe it should be a Memorial? - will have to get up there & check it out on the ground); while the "ADF Grove" is, almost certainly correctly, a Memorial.

Now, if the Regional Arboretum isn't actually marked as being a memorial to anybody / thing, & therefore not a memorial, how should it then appear in OSM? The Botanic Gardens as a whole are shown as landuse=recreation_ground; leisure=park. From a Google satellite shot https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-28.0070891,153.3834806,174m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en <https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-28.0070891,153.3834806,174m/data=%213m1%211e3?hl=en>, the Regional Arboretum is only an open group of trees, so how should it be mapped?

It's definitely not intended for forestry / logging purposes, so it's not landuse=forest

It's hardly a forest, so not natural=wood

Doesn't produce anything so not landuse=orchard

Leisure=garden? Garden brings to mind flowers & bushes, not trees, but I guess it may still apply?

Sydney Royal Botanic Garden is  tagged as

I think this is the best solution I have - not documented and no actual existence in the data base.

Way 21370319 (Nottingham Arboretum) is tagged as
this looks wrong to me .. the name may just be a description.

The Australian Canberra arboretum is tagged as

A quick look has arboretums tagged as
forest (!), conservation, grass (!), leisure=nature_reserve and probably other things.

Will be interesting to see where this goes.

I have mapped some 'local' memorials/monuments ...
including one to a cat (Trim - Matthew Flinders cat), one to the WW1 Australian horses.

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