

This is a two-fold question in fact.




Osmose raises error "Way access mismatch relation route=bicycle" [1] on a
segment of the R50 highway [2] [3].


I'm guessing it's because the segment is part of relation for a bike route
but it's tagged as trunk (as the rest of R50), and a trunk would imply a
restriction for bicycles.


Although, I see such an implication for motorways [4], I don't see it for
trunks [5].


Do you know what causes the access mismatch, because I don't see it from the
tags ?




This issue raises the question whether R50 should be tagged as trunk in the
first place.


The Wiki page [6] refers to notions like "high performance" and road signs
F9. But the road is limited to 70 km/h and there are no F9 signs on the
entries and exits of R50, only C19 "No entry for pedestrians" and C11 + C9
"No entry for bicycles" + "No entry for mopeds (and mofas)", which tend to
confirm it's not a trunk.


I wonder if primary wouldn't be more accurate classification, although the
Wiki refers to a "highway linking large towns" [7], which is not the case
here as the highway is a ring around the city not a road between cities.


What type of road would you qualify the entire R50 ?




[1] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/error/15216104253

[2] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/251684307

[3] https://goo.gl/maps/khpwvm8kxQw

[4] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dmotorway

[5] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Trunk

[6] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Road_signs_in_Belgium

[7] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dprimary

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