On 17.01.2018 23:16, OSMDoudou wrote:
> There is a shopping mall here [1] for which a mapper detailed the inside
> shops with a node for the "identity" and an area for the "physical
> perimeter" of the shop inside the mall. [...]
> Can you suggest tagging improvements ?

My suggestion (based on Simple Indoor Tagging¹) is to tag the areas with
their shop tag, level, and and other attributes such as name. So you get
a closed way with some basic tags, for example:

name = Jack & Jones
shop = clothes
level = 0

There's no reason to keep the nodes around once you have mapped the
shops as areas, so move all other tags such as opening hours to the area

At this point, you have a perfectly valid representation of the mall, so
you can stop here if you want. But if you're interested in adding more
details, there's a lot of possibilities: Add indoor=room or indoor=area
tags to the shop areas (depending on whether they're fully enclosed with
walls or not), and add walls (indoor=wall), corridors (indoor=corridor),
doors, elevators, staircases and so on.


¹ https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_Indoor_Tagging

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