>  Not to mention standard osm render doesn't currently render pipelines.
> Introducing a new value of waterway, already imported in mapnik schema
> may be simpler than adding pipeline and some extra keys.

Changing tagging scheme as workaround for a single database is a really
poor idea.

> Would you be happy if I remove highway=* from tunnels or bridges just
because it's not "natural" roads?

No, because it changes current tagging scheme without a good reason.
I suspect that this proposal may be doing the same (changing tagging scheme
without real benefit)

>> Can you give example of real data consumer(s) where it will improve
>To get the whole hydrographic system, users have to query waterway,
> pipeline and some other keys not all related to water.
> If all water paths would have only waterway=*, this would be simpler and

a) to repeat - Can you give example of real data consumer(s) where it will

b)  I see noi value in duplicating existing data into waterway key.
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