> I don't see how it would be possible to set a default global value.

I thought that just mentioning them in the wiki would be enough (like
the default access restrictions). But as residential roads with more
than one lane seem to be common elsewhere, there is no need for such a
global default value.

On 12 February 2018 at 22:16, marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Le 12. 02. 18 à 22:02, Selfish Seahorse a écrit :
>> There were quite a few additions of cycleway:both=no and lanes=1 tags
>> to residential roads and living streets recently, which makes me
>> wonder if it might make sense to define cycleway:both=no and lanes=1
>> as default values for highway=residential and highway=living_street on
>> the wiki. What do you think about that?
> I don't see how it would be possible to set a default global value.
> and even for a country-scale default value, here lanes=1 and lanes=2
> are just as common.
> If you think that a default value makes sense for a country, discuss it
> with the country mailing. but as long as there is no mechanism to set
> default values in osm, the info on the wiki page will still be useless
> for applications that use the data. your wish therefore requires you to
> work on the proposed feature "default values".
> For cycleway:both=no, setting this to the default value does not change
> anything, what is missing is a way to make the difference between "this
> route has the default values after verification" of "this route has not
> been checked, let's suppose it is the default values as long as nobody
> has filled accurate value".
> If not, you should also remove surface=asphalt because it's the default
> for a residential highway in a lot of country. also remove maxspeed, ...
> Regards,
> Marc
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