There are tons and tons of little singular Budda statues on a pedestal and 
perhaps a little roof,  and people leave coins, sake, and dress them in 
jackets. There are also very tiny Shinto "shrines" on the top of mountains 
(like the size of a shoebox or microwave) that have a spot for offerings and 
candles and whatnot. 

There are probably several million of these in Japan. Most are not mapped.

To me these are wayside_shrines. 

To me, a building=shrine / temple "enshrines" an object or offers a place for 
worship of a statue or object. 

My School's temple has a gigantic Budda in the main temple. You come pray in 
front of it. You can shrink down the building and the statue a lot and still 
have it be "a temple" using these 2 rules: 

1 - There is (somehow) room for someone to go inside. Basically the smallest 
building=temple or building=shrine is about the size of a garden shed. It has a 
door, a person or 3 people can go inside,

2 - the building itself is recognizable as an object itself - unlike the 
way_side shrine or roadside cross or similar - just a little cover or roof over 
a statue and an offering box. 

There are many of these small "garden shed" POWs - but they are mapped and 
considered "shrines" or "temples" by people. 


> On Feb 12, 2018, at 10:06 PM, Nelson A. de Oliveira <> wrote:
> For example, this Buddhist shrine doesn't seem to have any space or
> cavity (the Buddha is placed on an altar, it seems).

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