A culvert goes under the road and only carries the waterway. So it does not 'exist' for the road. As such the culvert would be tagged on the waterway and not on the roadway. The length of the culvert ... well it is at least as wide as the road, if you cannot see it in imagery simply make it a bit wider than the roads width. In Australia many streams are intermittent - meaning the at water is not frequently there .. that makes seeing these culverts difficult - I simply use the road widths if I cannot see them.

A ford is where a waterway crosses a road, so needs to be on both waterway and roadway. So this tag should take place on both waterway and roadway where they share a node (or a way). These too can nbe hard to see in Australia, if I cannot make out what it is (ford or culvert) I don't tag it .. that leaves an error, but it is not something I can identify so I leave it.

A reason whey tagging tunnel=culvert on a nod that has n=both road and waterway is that the renders then have to decide it the tunnel is on the road or the waterway .. or possibly there are 2 tunnels ... one on the road the other on the waterway ... too complex for the renders... the mappers have to decide.

On 01-Mar-18 08:31 AM, Vao Matua wrote:
Can someone help me understand two different types of stream and road crossings?

A ford <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ford>can be a node or a way (180,749 nodes & 63,842 ways)

However, a culvert <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tunnel=culvert>can only be a way (691,972 ways)

In many circumstances from imagery I can see a stream crossing under a road without a bridge or ford and therefore I assume that it is a culvert, but typically cannot see the ends to split the watercourse.  Why does a culvert have to be a way rather than a way OR a node?

What I would like to do is simply merge a node of the road and a node of the stream and give it the tag tunnel=culvert (when I do this JOSM complains)

In the case where a culvert carries a watercourse over a road then it would make sense to create a way and layer=1

Any insights for this apparent inconsistency?

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