On 28/03/2018 23:02, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
On 28.03.2018 23:20, Dave F wrote:

I've a building to tag which used to be a train_station but currently has a different use.

The building=train_station tag remains, since it describes the building type, independent of the current usage.

No. The building tag is for current usage. OSM maps the present with its primary tags. If contributors want to indicate it had previous use, as I do in this case, it should be tagged with clearly defined sub tags.

If it is protected, heritage=* would be used, which allows to give details about the protection status.

Heritage gives no indication of the original use of the building. In the UK a numerical system is used.

This page recommends historic=building, but I don't see how that's beneficial. It can't be tagged to describe it's historic use. Building=* should be used to describe what it is now.

No, building=* remains as the original type. You can add building:use=* for the current use.

The building:use tag is inaccurately used. (I believe it shouldn't be used at all).

From the wiki:

                For example, if a warehouse building serves as a residence, then you could tag it:

IMO this is poor tagging. If a building is now used as a place for people to live then it clearly isn't a warehouse any more.

Wouldn't historic:building=* be better?

not necessary as the above covers the case.

A separate tag is required.


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