On 29/03/2018 15:38, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
On 29.03.2018 15:38, Dave F wrote:
The building=train_station tag remains, since it describes the building type, independent of the current usage.

No. The building tag is for current usage. OSM maps the present with its primary tags. If contributors want to indicate it had previous use, as I do in this case, it should be tagged with clearly defined sub tags.

We understand that you have strong personal opinions, and remember the debate about exit nodes in roundabouts.
For which I still believe I'm correct.

However the consensus with many other mappers in OSM is, as descried in the wiki:

"the [building=*] value may be used to classify the _type_ of building. Note that it may be not the same as the building's current use (tagged using building:use=*). For example, a hospital building that is abandoned or repurposed to be a marketplace is still a building=hospital, and to mark active hospitals amenity=hospital is used. "

Which was added less than one month ago. Was there a recent discussion?

It also perfectly reflects common language. Imagine the following BrE example: "Do you see the church building over there? It is now used as a climbing hall!"

I disagree. "Say what you see" is more common. if you point to a warehouse that's converted to apartments & ask "What's that there?" you're either get "Those are apartments"  or "That's the old warehouse". A building's historical purpose should be put in a specific tag.

The building:use tag is inaccurately used. (I believe it shouldn't be used at all).

Again this is your personal opinion. building:use is well defined in the wiki, and used 630000 times.

IMO this is poor tagging. If a building is now used as a place for people to live then it clearly isn't a warehouse any more.

No, but it has the building type of a warehouse. Ans some people like it, and say:
"Hey, I have an new loft in the old warehouse."

Yes! Note your use of 'old'. 'Building' tag does not indicate a previous purpose.

If a shop tagged a building=retail, shop=* is change to a residential house would you keep the building=retail tag?


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