23. May 2018 11:16 by f...@zz.de <mailto:f...@zz.de>:

> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 10:12:42AM +0200, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
>> 23. May 2018 07:18 by >> f...@zz.de <mailto:f...@zz.de>>>  <>> 
>> mailto:f...@zz.de <mailto:mailto:f...@zz.de>>> >:
>> This applies to all road types (up to 
>> highway=motorway sometimes build by private companies,
>> as a toll roads).
> Thats a little nitpicking - I know that some public official
> does not take his shovel and builds a street themselves.

Sorry, I was not clear here - I wanted to mention that there are privately owned

or privately operated roads that are not service roads.

>> >  public most likely
>> > does not have a right of way although this might need additional
>> > tagging.
>> I would always tag access=private for private road rather
>> than leaving it as supposedly obvious.
> When there is a sign "Private road" i wouldnt tag anything. Thats
> just a liability issue. When there is "Access prohibited" or
> something its probably okay with "access=private"

This one probably depends on local culture (what marks road as nonpublic 

and allows entry, and what marks entry 

as disallowed).

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