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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On August 6, 2018 2:02 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 06/08/18 15:27, Eric H. Christensen wrote:
> > Hash: SHA256
> > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> > On August 6, 2018 12:30 AM, Warin 61sundow...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > > I'd think this should be a relation - not a way.
> > > At the moment the proposals says it is only a way.
> > > And it might be better to place it directly in the emergency key?
> > > Say emergency=evacuation_route??? Humm emergency says it is not for 
> > > relations. Arr well.
> > > We went down this path, I think, last summer. The expectation is that 
> > > these route made up of roads. I'm not sure why one would include a node 
> > > in this. This is likely going to be part of the emergency project but 
> > > probably not the emergency key which isn't really for routes.
> I have not mentioned 'nodes'.
> On the proposal page - in edit mode there is:
> {{Proposal_Page
> |name = Evacuation Route
> |user = Sparks
> |key = evacuation_route
> |value = *
> |type = {{IconWay}}
> The type should be {{IconRelation}} not {{IconWay}}.
> As it is with {{IconWay}} there will need to be new ways created for the 
> evacuation route
> rather than use the existing ways that are roads/paths etc as members in a 
> relation.
> And I would think there need to be rules for the relation, for example;
> start at one end and have each member/way in sequence to the finish, the 
> finish might be required to be in/near the 'safe place'.
> This would save the forwards backwards thing, just like in Public transport 
> v2.

Ahh, yes, sorry, I see what you're talking about now.

> > > Rendering... yes .. a rendering for emergency use would be good.
> > > Possibly this can be done for small areas rather than the world.
> > > Emergency evacuation centres, routes etc.
> > > I'm not sure I understand this. I suspect these types of routes are 
> > > preplanned in many different countries.
> Yes. But I'm thinking of the rendering. I think that would be done for local 
> areas, not the entire world.

Yeah, this would definitely be more smaller areas (towns, regions, states, 
> > > Evacuation routes may also be made for other things .. e.g. fire .. so 
> > > I'd add a '/*' at the end to accommodate things we have not though about.
> > > Even if you create a route for a fire, and I'm assuming you're talking 
> > > about a building fire, you'd be showing routes inside of a building which 
> > > would require ways. I don't think the existing proposal would prevent 
> > > someone from expanding to such things but I'm trying to tackle the 
> > > problem of evacuation routes along roads that have been preplanned for 
> > > emergencies and disasters.
> Wrong kind of fire .. though those too might one day be mapped.
> But I mean forest fires/wild fires/bushfires depending on what part of the 
> world your from.
> But I would tag them as 'fire' rather than do all the different ways that 
> people refer to them.
> I'd still add the '/*' to it. Just in case.

Oh sure.

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