In a post about access=permit, Kevin Kevin wrote:

El lun., 13 ago. 2018 18:10, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com>

>  - what is the
> point of mapping a way that's impassable to everything? When is a way
> not a way? It does indeed make sense when some transport mode has an
> answer other than 'no'.

In Madrid we have some streets that have a street plaque but are completely
closed to cars or even walking people. I call them "streets that are not
streets". One example is Calle Maestro Tellería in Madrid:


That street is closed with a lift gate and it is exclusively used as
parking space by people working on Ministry of Health-care or Consejo
Económico y Social (a consultive government agency).

But the most stupid no-street is Calle Francisco Piquer: it is completely
closed with fences (no doors on it) and served as a backyard for Palacio de
las Alhajas, a former pawnhouse and bank:


I know the following question is off-topic on this group, but I'm curious:

Are there many of these no-streets on your cities?

Are they mapped?

Are they named upon someone, as Madrid no-streets are?
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