On 2018-08-31 23:51, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
Going back to the original suggestion, wouldn't it be much simpler just to say this house / building has power connected / available: electricity = yes / no? :-)

Could this actually be set up as a country default?

Alas, OpenStreetMap is a database that speaks of defaults all the time but that refuses to encode them <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Defaults>.
OSM's defaults must be encoded in other databases.
Best known are the default speed limits that belong to every other GPS programs. Instead of just reloading OSM data, users must upgrade those application when they change.
So, this discussion belongs in those other databases.

All the best,


eg in Australia, UK, Western Europe, US "most" buildings will have mains power of one type or another connected, while in less developed countries eg a lot of Africa, "most" buildings wouldn't?



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