> On Sep 20, 2018, at 3:25 PM, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Certainly here in the UK many formerly "civic" services have been privatised 
> and are run for out-and-out commercial gain

Parliament's landuse isn't landuse=retiail, right? 

You are thinking of *amenities and services* - not buildings and landuses. 
That's what I am talking about. 

Mapping shop pins and civic buildings are different. 

If you live in a town where your city council office is in a mall store front, 
please feel free to drop a pin on a mall building. 

But we aren't talking about that. 

We already have plenty examples of Civic services in commercial / retiail 

For example: A DMV "registration reneweal" office in a strip mall is a point on 
building=retiail, landuse=retail, amenity=shopping_center. 

You can find post offices and other government services in a store front in a 
mall (La Mesa, CA post office in Grossmont Center mall, for example off the top 
of my head). There might be other government admin/services in commercial/ 
retail office complexes - but that is a commercial building, on a commercial 

What about public city hall buildings on dedicated land? Legislative body 
meeting buildings? What landuse do they get? The Same one as a chip shop? 

Similarly, almost every large city hall or regional government building in 
Japan has a convenience store in the basement. They are required to be there, 
so there is a 3rd party cashier for revenue stamps. It is a tenant in a little 
4x5m room in city hall. Our regional city government office has 4 (private) 
restaurants on the 32nd observation floor. Those are pins on the building too. 

The convenience store or restaurant is a pin in the city hall building on a 
civic_admin landuse. 

A standalone public town hall **building with external amenities that belong to 
the building**, let alone town hall complex of many Civic buildings should 
never be on landuse=retiail. 

Yep, never ever ever on landuse=retiail. 

Never. Which is why I am proposing Landuse:Civic_admin. 

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