Missed the point when direction= suddenly became a no go for traffic sign 

28.09.2018, в 3:51, Bryan Housel <bhou...@gmail.com> написал(а):

> Hey Tagging List!
> While reviewing a pull request to add Traffic Sign presets to iD, I came 
> across a tagging issue with how traffic sign directions are tagged.
> The details are here https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/pull/5333 and 
> relevant guidance on the OSM wiki is quoted below:     
>> Traffic sign as a separate node
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_sign#As_a_separate_node
>> Create a separate node beside the road at the position of the actual sign... 
>> You can use the `direction=*` tag to describe the facing orientation of the 
>> sign by using an angle or cardinal direction.
> ^ This is ok!  iD supports `direction=*` and will even render a view cone at 
> higher zooms so mappers can see which direction it points.
>> Traffic sign along a way
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_sign#As_part_of_a_way
>> Create a new node within the relevant way next to the sign... You can use 
>> `traffic_sign:forward=*` to specify that this sign affects vehicles moving 
>> in the same direction as the OSM way. The opposite direction can be tagged 
>> with `traffic_sign:backward=*`. Formerly the `direction=*` key has also been 
>> used to describe the affected direction. But its common meaning has changed 
>> to Relative to Geographic North.
> ^ This is the problem.  The wiki says we are supposed to do something like 
> `traffic_sign:forward=US:R1`, and we can't really do that. A preset needs to 
> be based on a "toplevel" tag like `traffic_sign=*` not 
> `traffic_sign:forward=*` or `traffic_sign:backward=*` (remember seamark? many 
> of their tags have this issue too, where they put a value in the key part, 
> and so we can’t turn it into a preset).
> So instead what we’ve decided to do is:  Support a tag 
> `traffic_sign:direction` which works exactly the same as the existing and 
> well supported `traffic_signals:direction`
> See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_signals:direction
> iD already has support for  `traffic_signals:direction=forward/backward`
> To keep things simple, we'll do the same thing for traffic signs:
> `traffic_sign:direction=forward/backward`
> Thanks,
> Bryan
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