On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 00:24, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> Certainly, choosing "communication tower" for both types but under
> different keys wasn't  a solution that satisfies our requirements (reduce
> confusion and be easily applicable while allowing to distinguish what
> people want to distinguish).

I've been doing some checking & I think it could well be time to deprecate
the whole man_made=communications_tower tag


There's supposedly ~3500 of them worldwide, with ~200 in Australia / NZ /
SE Asia http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/CwE

Over the last few days, I've looked at 50 odd of these 200, & not one is a
"communications_tower": "a huge tower for transmitting radio applications
like television, radio, mobile phone or officials radio. It is often made
from concrete and usually a far visible landmark." - & by a amazing twist,
the one tower that I know of in Australia that does meet the criteria,
Black Mountain Tower in Canberra https://www.blackmountaintower.com.au/,
*isn't* listed as one!

All of them I've looked at, are clearly, from aerial imagery, only a

   - man_made <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:man_made>=tower
   - tower:type <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tower:type>=

I don't know how many of the 3500 worldwide are actually
communications_towers bu that definition, but I'd guess not more than a
dozen or 2?

I'd like to suggest that we deprecate that tag, settle on the engineering
definition given to differentiate between masts & towers:

"In structural engineering, *mast* is a vertical structure, supported by
external guys and anchors.
This is the only existing definite feature that could be used to
differentiate masts and towers."

& start cleaning things up.

Your thoughts?


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