You can tag the doggy bins like so:


I've also seen waste_basket:excrement_bags=yes and fee=no, but I don't
see much value in these at this point in time.
On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 6:30 PM Paul Allen <> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 5:09 PM marc marc <> wrote:
>> Le 09. 10. 18 à 16:30, Paul Allen a écrit :
>> > How to tag?
>> amenity=recycling
>> recycling:cans=yes
>> recycling:paper=yes
> So far, so good.
>> recycling:PET=yes or recycling:plastic_bottles=yes
> It's neither of those.  The plastic type isn't specified and it's not just 
> for bottles.  It may well
> be the case that everything deposited is a PET bottle, but it need not be.
>> recycling:waste=yes
> Umm, waste doesn't get recycled.  That's why it's waste.  One half of it is a 
> mixed-recycling
> container and the other half is a container for non-recyclable rubbish.
>> > only one of them would be rendered
>> feel free to find/create/publish a icon that show the different types
>> accepted by a container.
> I think that's overkill.  It would be difficult (probably impossible) to 
> produce a legible icon for each
> combination.  The best that might be possible is something incorporating the 
> current waste
> receptacle icon with a recycling icon.  And I have my doubts about that (it's 
> certainly beyond my
> artistic talents).
> I just thought of something else.  People in that same village keep saying 
> that there aren't enough
> doggy poo receptacles.  So their county council (but not mine, that I've 
> seen) provides containers for
> specifically that kind of waste and no other.
> If you're a tourist with a dog, you probably want to know about all three 
> kinds of receptacle.
> --
> Paul
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