
The problem is how to get enough agreement and understanding to correct the
Wiki. You can see how difficult that would be when even the regular
contributors to the tagging list can't agree on what's correct. Imagine how
overwhelmed new mappers must feel when they work on their first relations.
Hell, until a few weeks ago, I tried never to get involved with any but the
simplest ones. I have created many riverbank multipolygons and grouped a
few geographic features, like the Groble ponds that began this thread, but
even those uses involved lots of back and forth among us.

Yes, the Wiki is far from perfect. That's a big reason we have these
endless debates. But how should we go about fixing it? An additional issue
for me is the difficulty of adding information to the Wiki. I've been a
programmer in my earlier life so I'm not a newbie when it comes to looking
at and interpreting code but the markup language for the Wiki is, IMHO,
simply horrible.  Someone once suggested I write up a Proposal for a tag I
was thinking about. No thanks. I have better things to do with my time than
to try to learn how that infernal formatting works.


On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 3:21 AM Mateusz Konieczny <>

> 8. Nov 2018 02:59 by
> Another part of the problem is the Wiki that we treat as our bible.
> I  am not sure whatever anyone present on this mailing list is doing this.
> In case that someone is doing it: remember that WIki is missing plenty of
> documentation
> and many parts are outdated or represent rather who was last editor rather
> than reality.
> Anyway, I encourage everybody to improve problematic pages.
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> Tagging mailing list

Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at
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