Yes, the UK embassies act on behalf of nationals of the British
Commonwealth if they have no representation in country.  I'd not tag
that, either.  They already know it :-)

On 11/12/2018 2:36 PM, Warin wrote:
> On 12/11/18 18:31, Colin Smale wrote:
>> On 2018-11-11 21:51, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
>>> Just for the sake of asking a theoretical question that I know would
>>> probably never appear in real life :-)
>>> Would / could you also use the multi-letter codes as you show eg
>>> & a mixture of them, so the British Ambassador to Belgium, who is
>>> also the delegate / representative to NATO (if there is such a
>>> thing?), would be
>>> country=GB
>>> target=BE;NATO
>> It's possible I guess to have the inverse of that as well, where the
>> embassy of e.g. France also houses the ambassador of e.g. Monaco,
>> both being accredited to the same receiving nation? (contrived example)
>> If a mission "represents" multiple countries, and the services
>> offered are different, how could that be tagged? Something like the
>> full Embassy of A also housing consular services for B.
>> Possibly two OSM objects, one for the embassy of A and a separate
>> node for the services on behalf of B?
> I do know that in the past one diplomatic establishment will act for
> another where the other has no representatives in that country. E.g
> Commonwealth countries would usually try to help one another out. And
> I think Russia also substitutes for some other adjacent countries. The
> services offered varied depending of the countries and place. I'd not
> tag it.
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