Yeah, agreed. And I think in our context "/estimate/" should be more taken as 
"/quesstimate/", i.e. "/a first rough approximation pending a more accurate 
estimate, or it may be an educated guess at something for which no better 
information will become available/" [1].

Now... how do we tag this... "/thing/"?  :-)

My personal idea is that it should be:


    /measure/:accuracy=estimate (e.g.: height=10 + "height:accuracy=estimate")


    accuracy:/measure/=estimate (e.g.: height=10 + "accuracy:height=estimate")


    get rid of all the est_* tags (e.g.: est_height=10)




On 2018-11-13 15:47, OSMDoudou wrote:
> In hopefully simple words, an estimate would be a measure which doesn't meet 
> your precision need or doesn't meet your trust criteria of the measure or of 
> the measuring person.
> So, they way it was measured is factual information the mapper should share, 
> so that the data consumer can determine for itself if it's good enough for 
> him.
> Without telling how it was measured, one cannot assess accuracy. And "site 
> survey" wouldn't be a good explanation because it says nothing about the 
> accuracy of the tool used nor about the qualification of the measuring person 
> to use the tool adequately.
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