On 10/12/18 10:47, Sergio Manzi wrote:

... beside, are you sure those hooks are for hammocks? How can you hang 3 hammocks radially from the center point? There doesn't seems to be enough "angle" between them... Have you ever seen an actual hammock hanging from there? Presence of the ropes makes me think they are thought for something else...

A spiders web made out of rope - made for people to climb on?
Possibly removed due to the probability of a fall resulting in serious injury.

I too would not map it .. until I saw it in use.

On 2018-12-10 00:40, Sergio Manzi wrote:

Wow! Either those things are high enough that a would be suicide could make good use of them, or sooner or later a kid will loose an eye on one of those hooks...  :-/

My advice? Don't map those: you could be held liable...

On 2018-12-10 00:29, Sérgio V. wrote:
Hi, I've found a playground equipment that is made to hang hammocks.
It's a kind of industrialized urban furniture specially made for it.
This one consists of a central fixed pole and hook that can hang a limited number of hammocks in a radial disposition, each one with its other pole and hook (but it might exist other dispositions), as it can be seen here:
In portuguese it was named "redário" ("a place for hammocks": "rede" meaning the mesh; the suffix "-ario" as the latin for "a place for", like in "orchid-arium").
It was found here:
It would be nice to have a tag to it.

Also considering that the representative image for "key:leisure", as it is in the wiki page of
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:leisure ,
actually is a hammock:
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Hammock_-_Polynesia.jpg ,
and which also represents the wikidata image for "leisure":
We have no tag for "places for hammocks" until now.

I was thinking if it could be tagged as:
since what effectively assures its proper function is that it has hooks to hang hammocks.
What do you think? Thank you in advance.

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Sérgio - http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/smaprs

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