Wow! Either those things are high enough that a would be suicide could make 
good use of them, or sooner or later a kid will loose an eye on one of those 
hooks...  :-/

My advice? Don't map those: you could be held liable...

On 2018-12-10 00:29, Sérgio V. wrote:
> Hi, I've found a playground equipment that is made to hang hammocks. 
> It's a kind of industrialized urban furniture specially made for it.
> This one consists of a central fixed pole and hook that can hang a limited 
> number of hammocks in a radial disposition,
> each one with its other pole and hook (but it might exist other 
> dispositions), as it can be seen here:
> In portuguese it was named "redário" ("a place for hammocks": "rede" meaning 
> the mesh; the suffix "-ario" as the latin for "a place for", like in 
> "orchid-arium").
> It was found here:
> It would be nice to have a tag to it.
> Also considering that the representative image for "key:leisure", as it is in 
> the wiki page of
> ,
> actually is a hammock:
> ,
> and which also represents the wikidata image for "leisure":
> We have no tag for "places for hammocks" until now.
> I was thinking if it could be tagged as:
> leisure=hammock_hook 
> since what effectively assures its proper function is that it has hooks to 
> hang hammocks.
> What do you think? Thank you in advance. 
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Sérgio -
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