Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 17:06:57 +0700
From: Dave Swarthout <>
To: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools"
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Drain vs ditch

Sounds good, Eugene. I like those descriptions.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:41 PM Eugene Podshivalov <>

suggested: Use waterway
<>=drain for artificial
waterways <>, typically
lined with concrete or similar, usually used to carry water for drainage
or irrigation purposes.

suggested: Use waterway
<>=ditch for simple
narrow artificial waterways
<>, typically unlined,
usually used to remove storm-water or similar from nearby land. Ditches
are usually straight (as opposed to natural streams). They may contain
little water or even be dry most of the year – to mark this intermittent
<>=yes may be used.

I don't know if that was done on purpose of by mistake but these
definitions are mixed up a bit. It is ditches that are used for irrigation,
not drains.
I would suggest to define them as follows.

canal - large man-made open flow (free flow vs pipe flow) waterways used
to carry useful water for transportation, hydro-power generation,
irrigation or land drainage purposes. consider using waterway=ditch for
small irrigation or land drainage channels. consider using waterway=drain
for small lined superflous liquid drainage channels.

drain - small artificial free flow waterways usually lined with concrete
or similar used for carrying away superflous liquid like rain water or
industrial discharge. consider using waterway=ditch for unlined channels
used to drain nearby land. consider using waterway=canal for large unlined
land drainage channels.

ditch - small artificial free flow unlined waterways used for irrigating
or draining land as well as for deviding land. consider using
waterway=canal for large irrigation or land drainage channels. consider
using waterway=drain for lined superflous liquid drainage channels.

No need to introduce any new tags.


ср, 16 янв. 2019 г. в 05:12, Warin <>:

On 16/01/19 11:53, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 at 10:28, Dave Swarthout <>

Although the 1st definition sort of agrees with your usage, the common
definition in the U.S. is closer to the other two. There are several other
definitions given but most of them are similar to those two. So it will be
a bit confusing to use here in the U.S.

Now why does that amaze me! :-)

irrigation channel: a passage
<> dug
<> in the
ground <>
  and used <>
  for bringing
<> water
<> to land
<> in order
<> to make
<> plants
<> grow

OSM gives a distinction between river and stream.
There should be a similar distinction between 'drain' etc.
It should not be base on the flow of water as that could be hard to
determine - especially if the water is off when mapping.

For example, 'a drain can be easily stepped over'?
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at

Then what would you call a natural waterway that is too small to be a stream?


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