On 2019-02-26 15:19, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 13:52 Uhr schrieb Fernando Trebien 
> <fernando.treb...@gmail.com <mailto:fernando.treb...@gmail.com>>:
>     On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 9:00 PM Sergio Manzi <s...@smz.it 
> <mailto:s...@smz.it>> wrote:
>     I think the official categories in Codice della Strada should probably
>     be assigned to OSM's classes by closely matching the descriptions in
>     the wiki. 


The above citation could be mistakenly taken as mine, but that's not the case...



> not at all, we already have classified all of our roads according to wiki, 
> surroundings/context, local knowledge etc.
> If we are to add "Codice della Strada" classes, it should not influence the 
> highway class, it should be an additional tag.
> We might also decide to tag the Italian network classes explicitly. I'm not 
> an expert in this field, but from a quick internet lookup it appears in Italy 
> there are 4 classes of (kind of) movement: a - primary network (transit), b - 
> principal network (distribution), c - secondary network (penetration), d - 
> local network (access).
> For the specific characteristics you must take into account whether the road 
> is inside or outside of a built-up area (this is generally an interesting 
> information for which we do not explicitly cater in general with our tagging, 
> but which should probably be introduced).
> When planning a road you must additionally take into account:
> - entity of movement (median distance that the vehicles travel)
> - territorial connecting function (national, interregional, provincial, local)
> - traffic components (light vehicles, heavy vehicles, motorvehicles, 
> pedestrians, etc.)
> You can find more information in this ministrial decrete from 2001 which was 
> issued after the new 1992 CdS law: 
> http://www.mit.gov.it/mit/mop_all.php?p_id=1983
> (this is mainly thought as a reference for the Italian mappers, I do not 
> expect the others to read through 100 pages in Italian).
> The CdS classes are only part of the entire picture, e.g. the same CdS class 
> (example "B Strada extraurbana principale") may be used for a "movement a" or 
> "movement b" kind of road.
>     This would help Italians make sense of the map.
> really, the sense does not come from classifications mostly, it is the refs 
> and names that make the information locally relevant. Joe Mapuser really 
> doesn't need all the detail information typically, because we have already 
> conveniently summarized everything into a single highway class ;-)
> Still, we should not deny the addition of detail, but it likely doesn't mean 
> we can set up a lookup-table CdS to highway class and be done.
>     Except for the official categories in Codice della Strada, I think
>     such attributes of the road should go into specific tags.
> if there is a clear 1:1 correlation between CdS and OSM, e.g. motorways, we 
> already have that information in the map (well, besides we do not have 
> specific tags yet for motorways in built-up settings).
>     For example,
>     in Brazil, the administrative responsibility is represented by the
>     road's reference code, so it can be easily identified from ref=* tags
> same in Germany, Italy and likely many other places indeed.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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