On Thu, 28 Feb 2019 at 21:44, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> I wonder what we call "police" in OSM.
> The wiki does not offer a lot of guidance (France aside): "A police
> station is a building where police officers and other staff work and are
> dispatched from, and where suspects and evidence are collected and
> processed."

Which seems to relate to the "Emergency" clean-up
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Emergency_Cleanup. I know I
mentioned it once before, but maybe we should start a discussion on it &
try to get things moving?

On Sat, 2 Mar 2019 at 03:55, Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com> wrote:

> > What about coast guards?
> In the US, I view the Coast Guard as a cross between a rescue service
> and a military service.

However, In Australia (& I know there are other countries the same) the
Coast Guard is a strictly civilian, volunteer marine rescue group only,
with no military, or police, connections at all (apart from working
together with Water Police on searches / rescues etc).

> > Typically there will be many kind of "police", according to what you
> count
> > in, and this might eventually differ between countries.
> Totally agreed.

Quite definitely

> I think each country needs to sort the various entities into military vs
> police, along some notion of "defending the country from outsiders" vs
> "domestic law enforcement" and clues about adminstration and reporting.
> That consensus should be documented on each country's wiki page.

Agreed, but on that subject, it would be good if something could be set
that detects where you are logging in from, so if you're international eg
in the USA & are making changes in Australia, a warning box comes up to ask
"Have you checked the Australian Tagging Guidelines?" or words to that
effect, which would (may) help stop well-intentioned people making changes
that aren't actually correct eg changing Coast Guard from rescue group to
military or vice versa.

In the US, prison guards are "corrections officers" and not police, as I
> understand it.

Correct, but I don't think you'd ever tag a Corrections Service office,
because that will only be found in an actual jail, which is already tagged
that way.

> The Border Patrol and other immigration people I would
> sort into police.  They arrest people, rather than treating them as
> prisoners of war (Geneva convention again).

So would a Border Patrol / Customs office be tagged as a Police station?

I certainly expect some other countries to be harder.



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