Am 6. März 2019 01:57:21 MEZ schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer 
>sent from a phone
>> On 5. Mar 2019, at 12:17, Jan S <> wrote:
>> Any thoughts on this?
>if you think about it, there are more police forces in Germany,
>particularly if we find more specific tagging for specific categories
>of forces (e.g. Bereitschaftspolizei, Autobahnpolizei,
>Wasserschutzpolizei, LKA, BKA) and others that might eventually be
>considered police like Zoll, Steuerfahndung, Justizvollzugsbeamte,
>Küstenwache, Forstamt (forrester), Ordnungsamt,
>Wirtschaftskontrolldienst, Feldjäger, ...

IMO you're mentioning two types of forces. All those that carry the notion 
"Polizei" as part of their name are police forces. They are either part of the 
state or the federal police (except the BKA, which is a separate entity). I 
think hence that a subdivision as to whether a unit belongs to the state or the 
federal police is sufficient in Germany. Also, different units of the same 
police force may share facilities.

All other forces or entities are part of the administration. The main 
difference is that the police may intervene in any issue of any other entity, 
as long as that other entity is not available or not able to cope with the 
situation. E.g. the police intervene in prison riots if the prison staff cannot 
deal with the situation. Or, if you're partying hard during the day, it'll be 
the Ordnungsamt knocking on your door, while at night it'll be the police (who 
may also knock during the day, if the Ordnungsamt for some reason can't).

This, however, will have to be defined according to the domestic situation in 
every state.

Best, Jan

>Belonging to “military” does not necessarily exclude a body from being
>a police force, neither in osm, or does it?
>Cheers, Martin 
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