On 6/24/19, yo paseopor <yopaseo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> BOE-020_Codigo_de_Trafico_y_Seguridad_Vial
> Page 50
>  Carril. Banda longitudinal en que puede estar subdividida la calzada,
> delimitada o no por marcas viales longitudinales, siempre que tenga una
> anchura suficiente para permitir la circulación de una fila de automóviles
> que no sean motocicletas.

Here's my translation, FWIW

"Lane. Lengthwise strip into which a roadway may be subdivided,
whether or not delineated by longitudinal road markings, as long as it
is wide enough to allow the flow of a queue of automobiles, other than

So in Spain a lane is a concept of a linear part of a road which is
wide enough to be used by a line of automobiles, whether or not it is
marked by painted lines. I believe this is a common definition in many
other countries as well.

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